My Story

Ever since I was little, my Mom has been making soaps.  As I got older, I Loved helping her make new bars.  Moving to Colorado on my own to start my teaching career, I started making small batches for myself and to share with coworkers at school.  Before that, I had never thought of myself as an artistic person or understood the need to express myself until later in life.

At my darkest, nature has always been there to bring me back to life and open my eyes to the beauty that surrounds us.  Looking back, I realize a need for self expression has always been there whether it took form in fitness, my Love for cooking, a later passion for mixology, and now the realization that my soaps truly are full expressions of myself, my Loves, my experiences, my relationships, and the passions I find in life.

I’m learning that authentic happiness comes from absolute expression in its most raw form.  Soap making has unlocked this unfiltered manifestation of expression I’ve been searching for in my life.  In return, I want the same for the ingredients I use to create my bars.

For me, soap making is about letting the simple ingredients within the bar express themselves in the final product.  Each ingredient has a specific purpose in its final form.  When you pick up a bar, the shades, swirls, textures, all that you see, are the natural expressions of the raw, Earth-made materials that marry to create what you hold in your hand.

The process is so therapeutic for me, so much so it’s a spiritual experience.  To share it with you means the world to me.  When you stop at my booth, ask questions about the ingredients, the process, what makes these soaps special, these conversations I live for, so THANK YOU!!


Jesse James